In our laboratory which has TSE approved test laboratory certificate and 3.1 certification qualification, we have the ability to test destructive and non-destructive tests according to the demands of our customers and our projects, our experiments are carried out by our experienced and experienced experts within the framework of Turkish Standards and test laboratory criteria.
Tahribatsız Muayene

Non-Destructive Testing

Non-destructive testing is all of the test methods used to detect defects occurring on the surface or inside of the material without damaging the materials. Intended use:

a) Quality control of a manufactured part,
b) Input controls, controls during the process, final controls,
c) Control or development of production method,
d) Early detection of a fault in a part in use,

UT-Ultrasonic Inspection, Evaluation and Approval

It is a non-destructive testing method used to detect invisible discontinuities in the interior of materials by producing ultrasonic sound waves by means of special inspection heads.

PT-Liquid Penetrant Inspection, Evaluation and Approval

Liquid penetration testing or penetrant testing is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface discontinuities.

MT-Magnetic Particle Inspection Evaluation and Approval

Magnetic particle inspection is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials.

Tahribatlı Muayene

Destructive Testing

Destructive testing; materials, tensile, compression, bending and so on. These are the inspection methods used to determine the resistance and resistance to permanent shape changes.

Tensile test

Tensile test is used to determine the mechanical properties of materials. The resistance of the materials against breaking against the applied force is called tensile strength.

Compression Test

The compression test is exactly the opposite of the tensile test. Compression test is also performed on tensile test machines.


Phase, grain, grain boundary, internal structure defects, cracks, segregations, such as the material used to obtain information about the internal structure of the test method.

Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES)

Optical emission spectrometry (OES) is a technique used especially for qualitative and quantitative characterization of metals. In this way, the elements in the sample and the percentage amounts of these elements are determined.

Hardness Test

Hardness measurement is to measure the resistance of the material to the penetration of a tapered or spherical standard tip into the material. The appropriately selected hard end will leave a mark on the material when it is immersed in the material under the applied load. This allowance is calculated by measuring the magnitude of Brinell (HB) and the Rockwell (HRC) hardness value by measuring the penetration depth. We use these two methods to respond to requests.